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Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou, The (5)



» Roger Ebert: The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou Open in a new browser window
   Mixed review: "I can't recommend it, but I would not for one second discourage you from seeing it." (2.5 out of 4 stars.)
» Slate: Capt. Blah Open in a new browser window
   David Mendel's unfavorable review: "... This one is a mess — a misshapen, mawkish tragicomedy bordering on self-parody."
» The Internet Movie Database (IMDb): The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou Open in a new browser window
   Information on the film, including cast and crew listings, trivia, trailers, quotes and filming details.
» The Life Aquatic Open in a new browser window
   British official site for the movie includes production notes, pictures and video preview. [Requires Flash.]
» The New York Times: A Seagoing Showcase of Human Collectibles Open in a new browser window
   A.O. Scott's mostly favorable review: "If you allow yourself to surrender to 'The Life Aquatic,' you may find that its slow, meandering pace and willful digressions are inseparable from its pleasures."

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Last Updated: 2007-10-03 03:17:00

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