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Articles and Studies (60)



» A Study of Nonwoven Composites Open in a new browser window
   Master of Science degree thesis about a comparison of properties between bi-component PP/PE SM (spunbond/meltblown) and SMS (spunbond/meltblown/spunbond) nonwovens, and 100% PP spunbond nonwovens as reinforcement matrixes of composites. Author: Shaker Gad
» Advancements in Braided Materials Technology Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper presenting an overview of the advancements in braided preform architectures and braiding machinery, identifying braiding as an attractive process for composite manufacturers. Authors: Mike Braley and Molly Dingeldein.
» An Overview of Composite Actuators with Piezoceramic Fiber Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper discussing the manufacturing processes, intended applications and relative benefits of four different types of active fiber composite actuators. Authors: R. Brett Williams and Daniel J. Inman.
» Application of Nanotechnology for High Performance Textiles Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper summarizing recent developments in nanotechnology for composites, including specific techniques for the creation of nanosize structures within textile based composites, a review of nanosize fillers and their performance, and an introductio
» Automated Fabrication Technologies for High-Performance Polymer Composites Open in a new browser window
   Extensive technical paper reviewing new automated fabrication processes for the manufacture of high-performance graphite-fiber reinforced composite structures. Authors: M.J. Stuart and others.
» Basic Properties of Reference Crossply Carbon-Fiber Composites Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper presenting the tensile, compressive, shear, tensile fatigue, and tensile creep properties of a reference crossply composite, intended for use as the basis for a full-scale durability test program for crossply composites. Authors: J.M. Coru
» Combining Cellulose Fiber and Wollastonite Mineral Fibers into a Nylon-6 Matrix Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper about research aimed at developing a high purity cellulose/wollastonite pellet which can be accurately metered and fed into a laboratory scale twin-screw extruder and compounded with nylon-6 resing to create hybrid composites. Authors: R.E
» Composite Materials Open in a new browser window
   Short article on the different reinforcement structures in the composite industry, and descriptions of the most common polymeric and inorganic fibers in use. From the New Textiles magazine.
» Dielectric Analysis of the Breakup of Liquid Crystalline Polymer Fibers in a Thermoplastic Matrix Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper discussing the use of dielectric spectroscopy as a means to study the morphology of thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer fibers in a polypropylene composite matrix. Authors: A. Boersma and others.
» Draping of Woven Composites over Irregular Surfaces Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper about research aimed at providing a basis for the development of a drape model, based on the properties of the woven fabric and the mold shape. Authors: S.B. Sharma and M.P.F. Sutcliffe.
» Dynamic Fracture Toughness of Cellulose Fiber-Reinforced Polypropylene Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper, presenting an investigation into the microstructure of cellulose fiber-reinforced injection molded polypropylene resin. Authors: Graig M. Clemons and others.
» Economic Opportunities in Natural Fiber - Thermoplastic Composites Open in a new browser window
   Chapter from Science and Technology of Polymers and Advanced Materials, reviewing the economics of producing lignocellulosic fibers for thermoplastic composites. Author: Roger M. Rowell.
» Effect of Surface Treatment on Interfacial Strength between Bamboo Fiber and PP Resin Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper exmining the interfacial shear strength between bamboo fiber bundles extracted by mechanical scratching and steam explosion, and maleic anhydride polypropylene for the effect on reinforcing properties in thermoplastic composites. Authors:
» Effects of Temperature and Environment on Mechanical Properties of Two Continuous Carbon-Fiber Automotive Structural Composites Open in a new browser window
   A technical report providing individual specimen basic mechanical property testing and results for a reference crossply composite, and a quasi-isotropic version of the reference crossply. Author: M.B. Ruggles-Wren.
» Energy Approach to Predict Uniaxial/Biaxial Load-Deformation of Woven Preforms Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper presenting a study highlighting the advantages of an energy-based approach to solve fabric mechanics problems without the necessity of complex three-dimensional finite element analysis. Authors: P. Potluri and others.
» Energy-Dissipating Snap-Resistant Tethers Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper about an analytical investigation into the tailoring concept for flexible composite space tethers. Aothors: Kwangtea Ha and D. Stefan Dancila.
» Environmental Durability of Flax Fibres and their Composites based on Polypropylene Matrix Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper about the environmental degradation behaviour of flax fiber treated for improved moisture and rot sensitivity, for natural fiber reinforced polymer composites. Authors: A. Stamboulis and others.
» Evaluation of Fiber Surface Treatments in Composite Materials Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper describing a novel environmental technique and a new theoretical analysis which allow evaluation of the stress transfer capability and the fiber protection performance of a given surface treatment with sizing and coupling agents of fibers
» Extensional Flow of Engineering Plastics with Glass Fibers Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper presenting a study aiming to characterize the unaxial extensional flow behaviour of an engineering plastic resin as a function of the orientation distribution of its fiber content. Authors: Allen H. Wagner and others.
» Future Requirements in the Characterization of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Polymeric Composites Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper about the characterization of the processing, properties and structure of continuous fiber-reinforced composite materials, and a presentation of a ten-point plan for future requirements. From IUPAC. Authors: D.R. Moore and A. Cervenka.
» High-Performance Applications of Plant Fibres in Aerospace and Related Industries Open in a new browser window
   Technicalpaper about the materials, manufacturing technologies and uses of fiber reinforced composites, focused on natural and near natural fibers. From the German Aerospace Center's Institute of Structural Mechanics.
» Impact Energy Absorption Mechanism of Largely Deformable Composites with Different Reinforcing Structures Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper about an investigation into the impact behaviours of large deformable composites of Kevlar fiber reinforced composites of different preform structures. Authors: Tae Jin Kang and Cheol Kim.
» Improving the Fundamental Properties of Lignin-Based Carbon Fiber for Transportation Applications Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper reporting on the results of a study to improve the fundamental properties of lignin-based carbon fiber for composite components in the transportation industry. Authors: A.L. Compere and others.
» Influence of Natural Fibers on the Phase Transitions in High-Density Polyethylene Composites Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper about the dynamic mechanical analysis method employed to evaluate the performance of kenaf, newsprint, rice hulls and wood flour as source for fiber used in high-density polyethylene composites. Authors: Mehdi Tajvidi and others.
» Injection Molding of Polypropylene Reinforced with Jute Fibers Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper about the preparation of polypropylene (PP) and jute fibers for composites by an injection molding technique, and an analysis of the resulting properties. Authors: A.C. Karmaker and J.A. Youngquist.
» Injection-Molded Composites from Kenaf and Recycled Plastic Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper reporting on a study of the commercial uses of kenaf fiber as fillers for composites with impact properties similar to wood-filled composites. Authors: Poo Chow and others.
» Interfacial Adhesion in Micro Composites Open in a new browser window
   Master of Science thesis on the effect of transcrystalline interphases on the microscopic properties of semi-crystalline based composites. Extensive tables and figures. Author: Andras Gati.
» Interfacial Structure and Properties of Wood/Polypropylene Composites Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper about the development of thermoplastic composites utilizing lignocellulosic, low quality hardwood fiber as reinforcing component. Authors: Timothy G. Rials and others.
» Introduction to Fiber Production and Their Incorporation into Composites Open in a new browser window
   Information about the various technologies of man-made fiber spinning from natural and chemical polymers, composite reinforcement orientation, and fiber reinforced composite manufacturing techniques. Compiled by Grant Barker.
» Large Volume, High-Performance Application of Fibers in Civil Engineering Open in a new browser window
   In-depth overview of fiber applications in cementitious composites, and the socio-economic considerations surrounding materials development in civil engineering related to them. From the University of Michigan. Author: Victor C. Li.
» Lyocell Fiber-Reinforced Cellulose Ester Composites Open in a new browser window
   Master of Science thesis on seven separate PDF files, focusing on the manufacturing considerations and properties of cellulose ester composites, reinforced by lyocell fabrics and continuous fiber tow. Author: Indrajit Ghosh.
» Mechanical Holding Power of Melt-Blend Boards Made from Recycled Plastic and Kenaf Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper presenting the progress of an on-going research project to demonstrate the viability of using agricultural fibers and recycled plastics in producing thermoplastic composites. Authors: P. Chow and others.
» Mechanical Modeling of Glass and Carbon Epoxy Composites Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper presenting a theoretical model to predict the response of laminated composites is developed. The micromechanical model simulates the mechanical response of a multi layer composite laminate under uniaxial, biaxial, and flexural loading mode
» Modeling of Multilayer Composite Fabrics for Gas Turbine Engine Containment Systems Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper presenting an experimental and modeling system for multilayer composite fabrics used in a gas turbine engine containment system. Authors: J. Sharda and others.
» Modelling of the Internal Structure and Deformability of Textile Reinforcements: WiseTex Software Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper introducing novel software for truly integrated modelling and design of textile based composite reinforcements. Authors: Stephan V. Lomov and Ignaas Verpoest.
» Natural Fibers Open in a new browser window
   Feature article about the importance natural fibers may acquire as a replacement for glass and other mineral fibers in the composite industry. From Plastics Technology. Author: Lilly Manolis Sherman.
» Natural Fibre Composites in Structural Components: Alternative Applications for Sisal? Open in a new browser window
   Technical article about the processing techniques and applications of bast, leaf and seed fibers in the composite industry. Author: W.D. Brouwer.
» Next Step for Automotive Materials Open in a new browser window
   Extensive article about the development of new composite materials for automotive uses, based on plant-derived substances. Author: George Marsh.
» Numerical Constitutive Models of Woven and Braided Textile Structural Composites Open in a new browser window
   Master of Science thesis about equivalent, 3D elastic moduli, determined from unit cell models of balanced plain weave, 2D braid, 2D triaxial braid, and 4x4 twill weave textile composite fabrics consisting of interlaced or intertwined yarns. Author; Nicol
» Numerical Determination of Mechanical Elastic Constants of Textile Composites Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper presenting an approach using the homogenization and finite element method to predict the effective nonlinear elastic moduli of textile composites. Authors: X. Q. Peng and J. Cao.
» Opportunities for Valua-Added Biobased Composites Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper discussing the porential for the increased use of natural fibers in the composites industry by improving its properties and characteristics. Author: Roger M. Rowell.
» Perspectives on the Performance of Natural Plant Fibres Open in a new browser window
   Review of the microscopic features, chemical composition and physical properties of the most important plant fibers used in technical textiles and nonwovens, and structural and non-structural composites. Authors: P.O. Olesen and D.V. Plackett.
» Plant Fibers in Composite Materials Open in a new browser window
   From the University of British Columbia's forestry department. Extensive review of the technical challenges and opportunities of the use of plant fiber in industrial composites. Author: Dr. James Bolton.
» Polypropylene Matrix Composites Open in a new browser window
   Scientific article on the improvements of the mechanical properties of polypropylene matric composite structures through the development of novel glass fiber sizing compositions. Author: Dr. Fabrizio Parodi.
» Processing and Evaluation of Cotton Based Composites for Automotive and Other Applications Open in a new browser window
   Master of Science thesis about the development of disposable nonwovens based fiber reinforced composites using cotton, kenaf, flax and biodegradable thermoplastic fibers. Author: Manjeshwar G. Kamath.
» Properties of Biocomposites Based on Ligno Cellulosic Fillers Open in a new browser window
   Scientific paper analysing the thermal and mechanical behaviour of processed biocomposites, created by extrusion and injection molding a matrix of aromatic co-polyesters and ligno-cellulosic filler material. Authors: L. Averous and F. Le Digabel.
» Renewable Materials for Automotive Applications Open in a new browser window
   Review of the growing use of natural plant fibers as insulating and damping materials, and as fillers and reinforcement in composites for the automotive industry. Author: Dr. Thomas G. Schuh.
» Self-Healing Polymer Composites: Mimicking Nature to Enhance Performance Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper, reviewing the various self-healing technologies currently being developed for fiber reinforced polymeric composite materials. Authors: R.S. Trask, H.R. Williams and I.P. Bond.
» Steam Stabilisation of Aspen Fiberboards Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper describing the results of a preliminary study of the various techniques and mechanisms involved in steam stabilisation of resin impregnated wood fiber boards. Authors: Roger Rowell and others.
» Strain Gage Measurements of Plastics and Composites Open in a new browser window
   In-depth treaty on the origin, current application and possible improvements in the strain gage measurement calculations for plastics and composite materials. From The Measurement Group web site.
» Studies on Automatic Measurement Technology for Surface Braided Angle of Three Dimensional Braided Composite Preforms Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper describing a novel measuring algorithm for three-dimensional braided composite materials, which relies on the gray scale information content of the images and their local wavelet transform modulus maxims. Author: Na Li.
» The Limits of Design Potential in Plant fiber Products Open in a new browser window
   Technical review of the opportunities and limiting factors which exist in terms of design capabilities, in the application of plant fibers in composites. Author: Roger M. Rowell.
» The Manufacture of Structural Composites using Embroidery Techniques Open in a new browser window
   Edited version of a project report from Ellis Developments, Ltd, describing the use of embroidery techniques for the manufacture of reinforcement preforms for composite structures produced by liquid moulding.
» The Potential of Flax Fibers as Reinforcement for Composite Materials Open in a new browser window
   Doctor of Science thesis about the relations between the structure and mechanical properties of flax fiber, and their effects on the properties of different flax fiber reinforced composites. The potential of application in various polymers, and the enviro
» Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Behaviour of Quasi Carbon Fiber/Phenolic Composites Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper presenting a study of the fabrication of quasi carbon fiber/phenolic composites, and a comparison with phenolic composites reinforced with commercial PAN-based carbon fibers. Authors: Dongwan Cho and others.
» Thermal Treatments of Age-Hardenable Metal Matrix Composites Open in a new browser window
   Extensive technical paper about the age hardening characteristics of an alloy modified by the introduction of a reinforcement. From MMC-Assess Thematic Network. Author: P. Merle.
» Thermoplastics Composites and Processing Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper about thermoplastic, fiber based composites properties, processing and applications.
» Weathering Characteristics of Fiber-Plastic Composites Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper presented at the fifth International Conference on Woodfiber-Plastic Composites, summarising a 2-year testing program designed to assess the environmental degradation of wheat straw-filled polypropylene and polyethylene composites. Authors
» What Are Composites? Open in a new browser window
   Information pages about the history of composites and man-made fibers, and a detailed description of the composite reinforcement principles. From Composites Atlantic, Ltd.
» Wood-Polymer Bonding in Extruded and Nonwoven Web Composite Panels Open in a new browser window
   Technical paper comparing the effectiveness of a maleated polypropylene (MAPP) as a coupling agent in extruded wood flour/polypropylene composites, and nonwoven web wood fiber/polypropylene composites. Authors: Andrzej M. Krzysik and others.

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Last Updated: 2008-04-03 03:09:03

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