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FAQs, Help, and Tutorials (35)

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Editor's Picks:

» Python Documentation Index Open in a new browser windowEditor's Pick
   Official tutorial and references, including library/module usage, Macintosh libraries, language syntax, extending/embedding, and the Python/C API. Also links to off-site beginners' tutorials, HOWTOs, and many special interest topics.


» A Beginner's Python Tutorial Open in a new browser window
   A Python tutorial originally written for the modding community of Firaxis' Civilization. Useful to beginners with little or no programming knowledge.
» A Course in Python/CGI Open in a new browser window
   This site contains materials from a 13 week course for learning Python and CGI. Suited for self-study.
» A Quick Tour of Python Open in a new browser window
   Short overview of some basics, for users with some programming knowledge.
» About.com: Python Open in a new browser window
   Includes articles on simple script solutions, database management, web development, network protocols, and other advanced topics.
» An Introduction to Tkinter Open in a new browser window
   By Fredrik Lundh. Official tutorial for Tkinter, standard Python interface to Tk GUI toolkit; widget configuration, styling; function/method bindings to widget events; documents all Tkinter widgets, classes. Formats: PDF, HTML.
» Cameron Laird on Python and the Web Open in a new browser window
   Discusses both client-side and server-side Web programming.
» Code Like a Pythonista: Idiomatic Python Open in a new browser window
   A tutorial that teaches common Python programming idioms used by experienced programmers, but may not be obvious to newcomers.
» Five Minutes to a Python CGI Open in a new browser window
   By David Mertz. Brief introduction to writing CGI programs, Python CGI module, formatting output, error logging/debugging.
» Instant Hacking Open in a new browser window
   By Magnus Lie Hetland. Minimal, concise, general introduction to programming, via Python, moves very quickly. English, Italian, Polish, Japanese, Serbian, Korean.
» Instant Python Open in a new browser window
   By Magnus Lie Hetland. Minimal introduction for experienced programmers. Treats basics, OO programming, Jedi mind trick. English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish; German, Norwegian; Lithuanian, Polish, Russian; Japanese, Korean.
» JPython: The Felicitous Union of Python and Java Open in a new browser window
   Excerpt from O'Reilly book: Learning Python.
» Learning Python Open in a new browser window
   By Mark Lutz, David Ascher. Samples from O'Reilly book. Has manipulating data structures, files, programs; internet programming; JPython, now Jython, Python implementation for the Java platform.
» One Day of IDLE Toying Open in a new browser window
   By Danny Yoo. Visual guide to using IDLE, a simple interactive shell for Python programming. Each step of this tutorial has screenshots for absolute beginners. English, Dutch, German; Greek, French, Italian, Portuguese; Indonesian.
» Programming Python, 2nd Edition Open in a new browser window
   By Mark Lutz. O'Reilly book sample. Introduces Internet related topics: Zope (web publishing framework), HTMLgen (makes web pages from objects), Jython (Python for Java), XML processing, server pages, Windows web scripting extensions, restricted execution
» Python Babysteps Tutorial Open in a new browser window
   Preliminary tutorial, prepares absolute beginners for other tutorials. Walks reader through installing on Windows, using Integrated DeveLopment Environment (IDLE), writing a simple program.
» Python CGI Open in a new browser window
   An Interactive Instruction.
» Python Database Programming Open in a new browser window
   Programs can use minimal code to access, display, and update a database. This guide provides "links to relevant Python modules, documentation, and projects" concerning databases, as well as adding persistence to Python objects.
» Python HOWTO Documents Open in a new browser window
   Pointers to various helpful Python-related HOWTO documents.
» Python Idioms and Efficiency Open in a new browser window
   A guide to Python programming idioms, and suggestions for writing more elegant Python programs.
» Python Knowledge Base Open in a new browser window
   Links, questions and answers in a categorized, searchable format.
» Python Library Reference Search Open in a new browser window
   Online. Also the search can be downloaded for mirroring and off-line use.
» Python Programming Tutorial Open in a new browser window
   By Richard G. Baldwin. Separate lessons teach programming basics. Free online, fee download files.
» Python Programming for Beginners Open in a new browser window
   Shows how to write programs that use command-line options, read and write to pipes, access environment variables, handle interrupts, read from and write to files, create temporary files, write to system logs.
» Python Quick Reference Open in a new browser window
   By Simon Brunning. Thorough 'cheat sheet'; brief reminders for nearly each language aspect: syntax nuances; built-in features, statements, modules; basic, advanced types, operations; lexical entities, common development tools. For several Python versions;
» Python Recipes Open in a new browser window
   Collaborative website built by ActiveState and O'Reilly, hosts user contributions; collection of recipes.
» Python SIGs Open in a new browser window
   Archives of current and past listserv discussions on a LOT of interesting topics. GREAT for researching problems.
» Python Tutorial Open in a new browser window
   Introduction to Python, where to find it, how to install, and create a very simple script.
» Python and UML Open in a new browser window
   Can the UML help Python developers? How about CP4E?
» Python for Beginners Open in a new browser window
   New to programming? This page lists some places that can get you started quickly.
» Serpia, Python matters Open in a new browser window
   A collection of Python-related tutorials.
» TCC Publications: Programming Languages Open in a new browser window
   Python language quick reference (28 pp), Tkinter reference (84 pp), Python Imaging Library PIL quick reference (6 pp). Postscript and PDF formats available.
» Tutorialized.com - Free Python tutorials Open in a new browser window
   A collection of Python tutorials from resources around the Internet.
» Wikibooks Programming Python Open in a new browser window
   A tutorial for python on Wikibooks. It is editable by anyone.
» Writing CGI Programs in Python Open in a new browser window
   Introduces using Python for CGI applications. Has database access examples. Several parts. [Developer Shed]

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Last Updated: 2007-06-14 10:45:46

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