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Wine (38)

See Also:

» ABC News in Science: Now Red Wine Can Help the Lungs Open in a new browser window
   A UK study shows that resveratrol, an antioxidant found mainly in red wine, could help fight the effects of chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
» AIM-Digest: Red Wine May Keep Prostate Cancer Cells in Check Open in a new browser window
   A Spanish study published in a British medical journal finds that polyphenols found in wine may keep prostate cancer cells from proliferating.
» AWARE Open in a new browser window
   The American Wine Alliance for Research and Education provides information about recent research on moderate alcohol consumption.
» About.com: Wine and Health Open in a new browser window
   An overview of issues from the 'French Paradox' to wine's influence on ulcers, cancer, and heart disease.
» BBC News: A Daily Dose of Wine Could Improve the Brain Open in a new browser window
   Reports on an Italian study which finds that resveratrol, found in wine, helps to regenerate neural cells.
» BBC News: Red Wine 'Can Stop Herpes' Open in a new browser window
   US-based study finds that red wine could prevent the spread of herpes.
» BBC News: Red Wine 'Protects From Colds' Open in a new browser window
   Report on a study that moderate consumption of wine, especially red wine, helps fight off the common cold.
» BBC News: Why Red Wine is Healthier Open in a new browser window
   Article reporting on a study which explains some of the reasons why red wine appears to protect the heart.
» BBC News: Wine Prevents Repeat Heart Attack Open in a new browser window
   Reports a study published in the journal Circulation that suggests sensible wine consumption among middle-aged men who have had a heart attack will reduce the risk of a second one.
» CNN: Study Links Moderate Wine Drinking, Lower Stroke Risk Open in a new browser window
   A 16-year study of 13,000 people in Denmark finds that a weekly intake of wine significantly reduces the risk of stroke.
» CNN: Wine Industry Trumpets Anti-Bacteria Research Open in a new browser window
   West Virginia University researcher suggests that one to two glasses of wine with meals may help wipe out bacterial food contamination.
» Cancer News: Red Wine Consumption Associated with Reduced Risk of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Open in a new browser window
   A clinical study by researchers at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health found significant decreases of the occurrence of this cancer of the lymph tissue among men who drank one glass of red wine per day, and higher decreases among those who drank mor
» Chemical & Engineering News: Anticancer Agents Found in Aged Wine Open in a new browser window
   Article describes findings at the Research Center for Molecular Chemistry at the University of Bordeaux, which show that derivatives of oak tannins found in wine are more potent than a commercial anticancer drug. However, no research on an actual protecti
» Chemie.DE News: Possible Antitumor Substances in Red Wine are Formed During Ageing in Oak Barrels Open in a new browser window
   A polyphenol formed when flavonoids found in red wine combine with tannins from the oak wood in barrels has strong inhibitory effects on tumors, French scientists find.
» Decanter.com: Red Wine 'Suspends' Dangers of Smoking Open in a new browser window
   Researchers in Greece report to the European Society of Cardiology that polyphenols from two glasses of red wine counteracted the negative effect on arterial function from one cigarette.
» Decanter.com: White Wine Even Better for You Than Red, Research Finds Open in a new browser window
   Researchers state that certain anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant compounds found especially in white wine may help prevent conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis.
» Decanter.com: Wine Can 'Inhibit HIV' Open in a new browser window
   French researcher claims that the antioxidants and flavonoids in wine offer a defense against the virus that causes AIDS.
» Diabetes Health: Red Wine Wonder Compound May Also Improve Kidney Function Open in a new browser window
   Research on rats conducted at Panjab University in India suggests that resveratrol, the compound found in red grape skins and red wine, may benefit kidney function through its antioxidant qualities.
» Doctor's Guide: One Glass of Wine Per Day Improves Arterial Elasticity Open in a new browser window
   Researchers report that modest alcohol intake resulted in increased elasticity in both small and large arteries. Wine was shown to be more beneficial than other forms of beverage alcohol.
» Harvard Gazette: Wine Molecule Slows Aging Process Open in a new browser window
   Resveratrol, a polyphenol found in red wine, has been found to extend the life span of yeast cells by 70 percent on average. Studies involving mice and later, humans, are planned.
» Life Extension: Resveratrol Open in a new browser window
   Article presents a summary of medical information, effects and health benefits of resveratrol, which is contained in wine, grapes and other plants.
» Medical News Today: A Glass of Red Wine a Day May Keep Prostate Cancer Away Open in a new browser window
   Press release by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center explains the findings of a study which shows a 50% reduction in the risk of prostate cancer among men who consumed four or more glasses of red wine a week. No effects were found with beer or hard
» MedicineNet.com: Cancer Prevention and Red Wine Open in a new browser window
   Summarizes the current state of knowledge mainly about the effect of red wine polyphenols on cancer in humans.
» Phystech Portal: Food Scientist Developing Wine-Based Disinfectant Open in a new browser window
   Scientists at Oregon State University explore wine's antiseptic effects on E. coli and salmonella, and speculate on developing a wine-based anti-microbial spray.
» Professional Friends of Wine: Wine and Health Open in a new browser window
   Overview and explanation of recent findings of the health-related aspects of wine consumption, including headaches, sulfites, and cardiovascular effects.
» ScienceDaily: Drinking Wine May Lower Risk Of Dementia Open in a new browser window
   A study by the Institute of Preventive Medicine in Denmark, reported in the scientific journal Neurology, shows that flavonoids in wine may protect against Alzheimer's disease and stroke-caused mental deterioration.
» ScienceDaily: Drinking Wine, Particularly White Wine, May Help Keep Lungs Healthy Open in a new browser window
   A University at Buffalo study has shown that drinking wine -- especially white -- recently and over a lifetime, was associated with better lung function.
» ScienceDaily: New Cholesterol Fighter Found in Red Wine Open in a new browser window
   Scientists at the University of California, Davis, have identified another group of chemicals in red wine, saponins, that are linked to the ability to lower cholesterol. The study was reported at a meeting of the American Chemical Society.
» ScienceDaily: Red Wine's Health Benefits May be Due in Part to "Estrogen" in Grape Skin Open in a new browser window
   Northwestern University Medical School researchers have found that resveratrol, a form of estrogen found in red grapes and wine, may be responsible for wine's anti-carcinogenic and anti-arteriosclerotic properties.
» ScienceDaily: Wine Drinkers Have Healthier Lifestyles Open in a new browser window
   Study reported in the American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition suggests that the benefits of wine drinking may not be only physiological, but that a preference for wine may be part of an overall healthier lifestyle.
» ScienceDaily: Wine Drinking May Reduce Colon Cancer Risk Open in a new browser window
   Study at the State University of New York showed that drinking at least one glass of wine per week may protect against the development of colo-rectal cancer, whereas beer or mixed drinks do not.
» The Guardian: Two Glasses of Wine a Week Still Safe for Pregnant Women Open in a new browser window
   The UK Department of Health rejects claims that the only safe choice for pregnant women and those hoping to conceive is abstention from beverage alcohol. Article also explains the opposing view.
» UC Davis: Tumors in Mice Delayed by Red Wine Component, Study Shows Open in a new browser window
   Catechin, a potent antioxidant found in red wine, delayed tumor formation when fed to mice that are predisposed to developing tumors, report researchers at the University of California, Davis.
» USNews.com: Swedish Study Suggests Moderate Wine Consumption Helps Women With Heart Disease Open in a new browser window
   Report of a study that finds a correlation between increased wine consumption among women, and increased heart rate variability, which is associated with better heart health.
» University of Virginia Health System: Researchers Discover that a Protein in Grape Skins Can Kill Cancer Cells Open in a new browser window
   Research shows that resveratrol, an antioxidant compound present in the skin of grapes, helps to starve cancer cells of a key protein.
» WebMD: Bottoms Up Open in a new browser window
   Article summarizes some of the beneficial effects of moderate wine consumption on cardiovascular disease, cancer, and osteoporosis.
» WebMD: White Wine as Good for Heart as Red? Open in a new browser window
   A study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry suggests that grape pulp, high in polyphenols, was as effective in protecting against heart attacks in laboratory tests as grape skins. Which ingredients are responsible for these cardiop
» Wine and Heart Health Summit Open in a new browser window
   Biennial US-based event for physicians and connoisseurs, highlighting current research on wine and cardiovascular health.

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Last Updated: 2007-09-29 06:43:18

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