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Physical and Theoretical (40)

See Also:

» ADF Open in a new browser window
   ADF, the Amsterdam Density Functional program for the treatment of complex chemical problems.
» AOMix Open in a new browser window
   A program for molecular orbital analysis. It calculates the MO compositions of the constituent chemical fragments from the output files of various quantum-chemical packages, analyzes chemical bonding using overlap populations, and generates density-of-sta
» Argus Lab Open in a new browser window
   Molecular modeling program for Windows9x operating systems with 3D-builder, ab initio calculation modules, and simple molecular mechanics. Includes version history, citations, and contacts in Seattle, Washington.
» Ascalaph Quantum Open in a new browser window
   Graphic interface for the quantum mechanics program PC GAMESS. Ascalaph Quantum provides the generation and editing of molecular models.
» Atoms in Molecules (AIM2000) Open in a new browser window
   Windows program for analyzing and visualizing molecules using the theory of Richard Bader. Demo version available.
» Banned By Gaussian Open in a new browser window
   Site critical of Gaussian, Inc.'s licensing practices. Reports allegations of Gaussian banning "competitors" from using their product.
» CASTEP - CAmbridge Serial Total Energy Package Open in a new browser window
   Uses density functional theory to provide an atomic-level description of materials and molecules.
» CHEAQS Open in a new browser window
   Windows program for calculating chemical equilibria, and solving speciation problems in aqueous systems. Includes database of equilibrium constants, publications list, terms, and free download from the Netherlands.
» CHEMKED Open in a new browser window
   Chemical kinetics of gas phase reactions. Databases, simulation, and analysis software for Windows. Demo version available.
» CHEMKIN Collection Software Open in a new browser window
   Simulates complex chemical kinetics in reacting flow.
» CONFLEX2000 Open in a new browser window
   Commercial conformational searching and analysis tools for Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. Compatible w/CAChe, ChemOffice, and Amber. Screen shots, data sheet, ordering, and trial versions available.
» CRYSTAL Home Page Open in a new browser window
   Unix program to compute the electronic structure of periodic systems within Hartree Fock, density functional or various hybrid approximations. Documentation, licensing, and downloads available.
» Chemical Kinetics Simulator Software Open in a new browser window
   Interactive method for modeling the reaction simulation in inorganic and polymeric thin films. Includes history, package contents, FAQ, publications, user feedback, and download from IBM's Almaden Research Center in San Jose, California.
» Chemissian Open in a new browser window
   GUI-based program to build electronic and spin density and molecular orbital contour maps, plot experimental and CIS/TDDFT-calculated spectra, draw MO diagrams, analyze composition of MOs and calculate populations. Supports GAMESS and Gaussian outputs.
» CyberWit Diatomic Open in a new browser window
   Spectral simulation program, allowing the user to simulate laser-induced fluorescence, absorption and emission spectra of diatomic molecules.
» Environment-Dependent Interatomic Potential (EDIP) Open in a new browser window
   Codes in C and Fortran by Martin Z. Bazant to model interatomic forces in covalent solids and liquids which incorporates recent theoretical advances in understanding the environment-dependence of (sigma) chemical bonding in condensed phases.
» Extensible Computational Chemistry Environment Open in a new browser window
   Graphical user interface for Linux/Solaris/IRIX with visualization tools and a data management framework for setting up, submitting, and analyzing computational chemistry calculations.
» GAMESS-UK Open in a new browser window
   Free program derived from the original GAMESS code.
» Gamess Open in a new browser window
   An ab initio quantum chemistry package GAMESS. Developed by the Mark Gordon research group at Iowa State University. Site is not GAMESS-Uk.
» GaussSum Open in a new browser window
   Collection of Python scripts which parse the output of Gaussian or GAMESS calculations to extract information such as the progress of the SCF cycles, geometry optimisation, UV-Vis/IR/Raman spectra, MO levels, and MO contributions.
» Jaguar Open in a new browser window
   A general purpose ab initio electronic structure package that is capable of computing variety of properties based on various uncorrelated and correlated wavefunctions.
» MINEQL+ Open in a new browser window
   Chemical equilibrium modeling system for low-temperature applications. Useful in aquatic chemistry applications.
» MOLCAS Open in a new browser window
   Program for an accurate ab initio treatment of very general electronic structure problems for molecular systems in both ground and excited states. Online manuals, billboard and patches for MOLCAS.
» MOMix and ALP-Vibro Open in a new browser window
   Programs for Quantum Chemistry. MOMix (electron population analysis). ALP-vibro (animation of molecular vibrations). Spectrum Wizard.
» MPQC Open in a new browser window
   The "Massively Parallel Quantum Chemistry Program". Computes properties of atoms and molecules from first principles using the time independent Schrödinger equation. Free, available under the GPL.
» Moloc Open in a new browser window
   Molecular Design Software Suite for Irix, Linux, and Windows. Includes features such as structure generation, molecular mechanics, conformational search, molecular dynamics, and similarity analysis. Free for academic users.
» Motofit Open in a new browser window
   Co-refines Neutron and X-ray reflectometry data, using Parratt recursion and least squares fitting. It works in the IGOR Pro environment (TM Wavemetrics).
» ORCA Open in a new browser window
   Ab initio, DFT and semiempirical SCF-MO package, with specific emphasis on spectroscopic properties of open-shell molecules. Free binaries for academic users are available for a variety of platforms.
» OpenThermo Open in a new browser window
   Open source program package for calculation of thermodynamic functions from molecular data.
» Orbis Open in a new browser window
   Educational software program for performing Simple Huckel Molecular Orbital analysis calculations, providing an easy to use method for estimating a variety of molecular orbital properties.
» PyQuante Open in a new browser window
   "Python Quantum Chemistry" - an open-source suite of programs for developing quantum chemistry methods. Emphasis is on simplicity, rather than speed, but some bottlenecks are written in C.
» PyVib2 Open in a new browser window
   Permits the automatic correlation of vibrational motions of molecules thereby allowing an understanding of Raman, Raman optical activity, infrared vibrational absorption, and vibrational circular dichroism spectra.
» Quantum Monte Carlo: CASINO Open in a new browser window
   Provides highly accurate quantum-mechanical calculations for atoms, molecules, polymers, surfaces, crystals and various model systems. Developed at the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge and distributed free of charge.
» SHB_interactions Open in a new browser window
   Free program based on Extended Hückel calculations and Mulliken overlap populations for measuring the strength of hydrogen bonds and other intermolecular interactions in drug-biopolimer complexes.
» Thermodynamic Modeling Open in a new browser window
   About equilibrium composition, thermodynamic modeling, thermodynamic properties of substances, real gas properties, and computational thermodynamics.
» WebMO Open in a new browser window
   Web interface for the quantum chemistry packages MOPAC, Gaussian, and GAMESS. Free version available for download; pro version also available.
» WinMopac Open in a new browser window
   Free graphical version of MOPAC 7 for windows, with an integrated molecular viewer (RasWin). Used for semiempirical molecular orbital calculations with the MNDO, AM1, and PM3 methods.
» YAeHMOP Open in a new browser window
   "Yet Another extended Huckel Molecular Orbital Package". Performs calculations and visualization for both molecular and extended materials in 1, 2, or 3 dimensions. Freely available in source form.
» Zeta Potential Open in a new browser window
   Zeta is a free (GPL) computer program which can be used to calculate the zeta potentials.
» Zori Open in a new browser window
   Open source quantum chemistry program for atoms and molecules using the quantum Monte Carlo method.

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Last Updated: 2007-01-02 17:55:14

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